Singing Guide: Grace feat. G-Eazy

Singing Guide: Grace feat. G-Eazy

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

In this article, we will explore how to learn singing like Grace, a singer-songwriter from Australia who has been praised for her unique blend of pop and soul music. One of Grace's defining vocal features is her ability to effortlessly transition from a smooth and sultry lower register to a powerful and emotive upper register. To sing like Grace, here are a few practical tips:

  1. Work on your breath control - Grace's ability to effortlessly transition between registers is partially due to her excellent breath control. To improve your breath control, consider practicing breathing exercises such as those found in the Farinelli Breathing video, which can help you develop a deeper understanding of your body's breathing mechanisms.
  2. Master your voice registers - Grace's unique vocal delivery is also due to her mastery of different voice registers. To learn more about registers and voice breaks, check out the Voice Registers & Vocal Break article, which can help you better understand the nuances of different registers and how to transition between them smoothly.
  3. Practice your pitch accuracy - As evidenced by her hit single "You Don't Own Me" with G-Eazy, Grace has excellent pitch accuracy. To develop your own pitch accuracy, consider taking the Pitch Accuracy Test and using the Vocal Pitch Monitor to better visualize your pitch as you sing.
  4. Learn to sing with emotion - One of the hallmarks of Grace's music is her emotional delivery. To learn more about how to convey emotion while singing, check out the Singing with Intuition, Skills, Emotion, and Thinking article, which helps singers develop a deeper connection to their music.

If you’re looking to hone your singing skills and practice singing like Grace, consider using Singing Carrots' Pitch Training interactive vocal exercises and Search Songs tools to find songs in your vocal range and genre preference.

Finally, for a true assessment of your vocal range compared to famous singers, try the Vocal Range Test. With these tools in hand, you’ll be well on your way to singing like Grace in no time!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.